This act protects children who, due to delays in processing of their or their parents’ visas through asylum or who are children of citizens or permanent residents as derivative beneficiaries reach their majority before they receive their permanent residence. The following protective measures are given by the Child Status Protection Act: CHILDREN OF A CITIZEN...Read More
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) permits Canadians and Mexicans to enter the United States to perform the work set forth below without the requirement of work visas. Written proof must be shown that applicants will do any of the following for a company in Canada or Mexico: a. Research and design;b. Growth, manufacture...Read More
Circuit Courts have noted a decline in the quality of immigration administrative adjudications because of undue pressure on Immigration Judges to promptly complete their schedules. Faulty legal reasoning, lack of judicial courtroom behavior and discrimination are among the objections of the Federal Court. As a result, new hearings have been granted because of failure to...Read More