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Government Shutdown Forces More Delays for Immigration Cases

New York immigration

As the government shutdown continues to drag on, thousands of immigration hearings have been cancelled or postponed. Figures released on January 11, 2019, indicate that more than 40,000 hearings have been delayed as a result of the shutdown. This has left many immigrants in limbo and has added even more to the existing backlog of cases already causing delays in the immigration system. For these individuals and families, scheduling a consultation with an experienced New York immigration lawyer can be a good way to resolve issues and to remain in the United States legally.

A Bad Situation Made Worse

U.S. immigration courts are already suffering from a serious backlog because of the sharp uptick in cases resulting from the Trump administration’s harsh new policies on immigration. The government shutdown is only making this backlog worse and could lead to serious delays for cases already on the docket in the future. Immigrants waiting for their day in court may have to wait even longer before their fates are decided in these legal institutions. This could cause real problems for those entangled in the immigration system and anxious to resolve their issues quickly and in a favorable way.

Protecting the Rights of Immigrants in New York

Finding the right New York immigration lawyer can help families and individuals to resolve problems with visas, minor legal infractions and other problems that could lead to deportation proceedings or other adverse actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies. By working with a qualified attorney, immigrants can ensure that their case is represented assertively in the legal system. This can lead to improved outcomes for these individuals and their families.

The Value of a New York Immigration Lawyer

The right attorney can provide important services for you and your family in the immigration system. These legal professionals can respond on your behalf to legal actions by ICE and immigration authorities and can provide you with the most accurate guidance on the right moves for your specific situation.

If you need the most effective legal representation for your immigration case, Oltarsh & Associates can provide you with solutions that work for your family and your situation. We will work with you to determine the right approach for all your immigration issues and to help you resolve them in the fastest and most beneficial way. Call us today at 212-944-9420 to schedule a free case evaluation. At Oltarsh & Associates, we are here to serve you.

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